BPA500 Protocol Analyzer
BPA 500
The Frontline BPA 500 Bluetooth protocol analyzer lets you to see and analyze "Classic" and low energy Bluetooth v4.0 in a single coexistence view.
Low Energy Analyzer
Bluetooth low energy
Bluetooth low energy wireless technology is an emerging technology and will change how the wireless world connects. The Frontline Bluetooth low energy Analyzer provides powerful debugging tools to get your Bluetooth low energy products to market fast.
Bluetooth Developer Tools
Basic Rate/EDR
Frontline’s FTS4BT protocol analyzer is the industry leader for Bluetooth data analysis. Data can be captured over the air, at the HCI level, and virtually to give complete insight into the development process. Supports EDR 2.1 and v3.0.
Wi-Fi option for FTS4BT
Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Coexistence
Add the Wi-Fi Option to FTS4BT to debug Wi-Fi/Bluetooth co-existence issues and support Bluetooth 3.0 +HS. The Co-existence view captures and displays Bluetooth and Wi-Fi packets on the same timeline in a graphical format to make it easy to find conflicts.
FTS4BT hci sniffing
Bluetooth HCI
The FTS4BT protocol analyzer captures Host Control Interface (HCI) data and decodes Commands and Events in plain English for rapid debugging. RS-232 serial, high speed UART and USB HCI transport options are all available.
Continua Alliance Logo
IEEE 11073+ Analyzer
Frontline is pleased to announce their FREE IEEE 11073-20601 Protocol Analyzer support for Continua Alliance CESL Platform users. IEEE11073+ analyzer is a free add-on to the CESL, allowing users to users to decode and debug IEEE 11073-20601 level protocols that are run over CESL.
Bluetooth Robustness Testing Codenomicon Robustness Tester for Bluetooth technology is a black-box testing product with ready-made Bluetooth test cases. The tests verify how well an implementation can withstand invalid and malformed anomalies.
Bluetooth is an extremely complex software and hardware technology that is evolving fast. Even the most experienced Bluetooth developers and test engineers are challenged by keeping up with the latest changes from the baseband all the way to the profile level.

Latest News
For the latest news about Bluetooth technology and products, go to BTNews.info

There are now enough Bluetooth-enabled devices on the market to prove that the technology is viable. Commercial success is tied to making sure that your devices interoperate smoothly so consumers can realize the benefits of Bluetooth.