Reading the Breakout Box Window
The Breakout Box display is divided into three main parts.
The first part (to the far left of the screen) shows the abbreviated name
of the control signal being monitored. These names can
be changed in the I/O Settings window by selecting Names from the Options menu.
The second part shows the control signal counters. The counters show how many times each control signal has changed state. This is useful in situations when signals may be changing state too rapidly to be displayed graphically.
The third part of the Breakout Box shows the current states of the control signals. The indicators show the state that the control signal is currently in, and the line graph displays the state of the signal over time. A single line means that the signal is logically off, while a double line means that the signal is logically on. A half-height "tick" means that a signal has gone through one full transition (from off to on to off, or vice versa) since the analyzer last updated the screen.
To change the indicators, or change the rate at which the analyzer updates
the window, click on the Options icon .