Switching Between Relative and Absolute Time

With Timestamping you can choose to employ Relative Time or Absolute time.

Note: The raw timestamp value is the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since the beginning of January 1, 1601. This is standard Windows time.

  1. Choose System Settings from the Options menu on the Control window, and click the Timestamping Options button, or click the click the Timestamping Options icon from the Event Display window.
  2. Go to the Display Options section at the bottom of the window and find the Display Relative Timestamps checkbox.
  3. Check the box to switch the display to relative timestamps. Remove the check to return to absolute timestamps.

Note: The options in this section affect only how the timestamps are displayed on the screen, not how the timestamps are recorded in the capture file.

  • Display Raw Timestamp Value shows the timestamp as the total time in hundred nanoseconds from a specific point in time.
  • Display Relative Timestamps shows the timestamp as the amount of time that has passed since the first byte was captured. It works just like a stop watch in that the timestamp for the first byte is 0:00:00.0000 and all subsequent timestamps increment from there. The timestamp is recorded as the actual time, so you can flip back and forth between relative and actual time as needed.
  • Selecting both values displays the total time in nanoseconds from the start of the capture as opposed to a specific point in time.
  • Selecting neither value displays the actual chronological time.

When you select Display Relative Timestamp you can set the number of digits to display using the up or down arrows on the numeric list.

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