Control Window Toolbar

Toolbar icon displays vary according to operating mode and/or data displayed. Available icons appear in color, while unavailable icons are not visible. Grayed-out icons are available for the Frontline hardware and software configuration in use but are not active until certain operating conditions occur. All toolbar icons have corresponding menu bar items or options.


Control Window Toolbar Icons
Icon Description
Open File - Opens a capture file.
I/O Settings I/O Settings - Opens settings
Start Analyze - data is being decoded from selected wireless devices. Performs the same function as setting the Sodera datasource Capture Toolbar Analyze/Analyzing button to Analyzing. Changing the Analyze/Analyzing button will change the state of this button.
Stop Analyze- stops decoding data from selected wireless devices. Performs the same function as setting the Sodera datasource Capture Toolbar Analyze/Analyzing button to Analyze. Changing the Analyze/Analyzing button will change the state of this button.
Save - Saves the capture file.
Clear  - Clears or saves the capture file.
Event Display - (framed data only) Opens a Event Display, with the currently selected bytes highlighted.
Frame Display - (framed data only) Opens a Frame Display, with the frame of the currently selected bytes highlighted.
Notes - Opens the Notes dialog.
Cascade - Arranges windows in a cascaded display.
Low energy - Opens the low energy Timeline dialog.
le PER Stats Bluetooth low energy Packet Error Rate Statistics - Opens the Packet Error Rate Statistics window.

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