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Control Window Menus

The menus appearing on the Control window vary depending on whether the data is being captured live or whether you are looking at a .cfa file. The following tables describe each menu.

Control Window File Menu Selections
Mode Selection Hot Key Description
Close   Closes Live mode.
Capture File Go Live   Returns to Live mode
Reframe   If you need to change the protocol stack used to interpret a capture file and the framing is different in the new stack, you need to reframe in order for the protocol decode to be correct. See Reframing
Unframe   Removes start-of-frame and end-of-frame markers from your data. See Unframing
Recreate Companion File   This option is available when you are working with decoders. If you change a decoder while working with data, you can recreate the ".frm file", the companion file to the ".cfa file". Recreating the ".frm file" helps ensure that the decoders will work properly.
Reload Decoders   The plug-ins are reset and received frames are decoded again.
Live & Capture File Open Capture File Ctrl--O Opens a Windows Open file dialog. at the default location "...\Public Documents\Frontline Test Equipment\My Capture Files\". Capture files have a .cfa extension.
Save Ctrl-S Saves the current capture or capture file. Opens a Windows Save As dialog at the default location "...\Public Documents\Frontline Test Equipment\My Capture Files\".
Exit ComProbe Protocol Analysis System   Shuts down the ComProbe Protocol Analysis System and all open system windows.
Recent capture files   A list of recently opened capture files will appear.


The View menu selections will vary depending on the Frontline analyzer in use.

Control Window View Menu Selections
Mode Selection Hot key Description
Live & Capture File Event Display Ctrl-Shift-E Opens the Event Display window for analyzing byte level data.
Frame Display Ctrl-Shift-M Opens the Frame Display window for analyzing protocol level data
Bluetooth low energy Packet Error Rate Statistics   Opens the Bluetooth low energy PER Stats window to show a dynamic graphical representation of the error rate for each low energy channel.


Control Window Edit Menu Selections
Mode Selection Hot-key Description
Capture File Notes Ctrl-Shift-O Opens the Notes window that allows the user to add comments to a capture file.


Control Window Live Menu Selections
Mode Selection Hot-Key Description
The following two rows apply only to Sodera LE
Live Start Analyze Shift-F5 Data is being decoded from selected wireless devices. Performs the same function as setting the Sodera datasource Capture Toolbar Analyze/Analyzing button to Analyzing.
Stop Analyze F10 Stops decoding data from selected wireless devices. Performs the same function as setting the Sodera datasource Capture Toolbar Analyze/Analyzing button to Analyze. .
The following rows apply to all Frontline products
Live Clear Shift-F10 Clears or saves the capture file.
Live & Capture File Hardware Settings  

0 - Classic

1 - Bluetooth low energy

I/O Settings  

0 - Classic

1 - Bluetooth low energy

System Settings Alt-Enter Opens the System Settings dialog for configuring capture files.
Directories...   Opens the File Locations dialog where the user can change the default file locations.
Check for New Releases at Startup   When this selection is enabled, the program automatically checks for the latest Frontline protocol analyzer software releases.
Side Names...   Opens the Side Names dialog used to customize the names of the slave and master wireless devices.
Protocol Stack...   Opens the Select a Stack dialog where the user defines the protocol stack they want the analyzer to use when decoding frames.
Set Initial Decoder Parameters...   Opens the Set Initial Decoder Parameters window. There may be times when the context for decoding a frame is missing. For example, if the analyzer captured a response frame, but did not capture the command frame, then the decode for the response may be incomplete. The Set Initial Decoder Parameters dialog provides a means to supply the context for any frame. The system allows the user to define any number of parameters and save them in templates for later use.Each entry in the window takes effect from the beginning of the capture onward or until redefined in the Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters dialog. This selection is not present if no decoder is loaded that supports this feature.
Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters...   Opens the Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters dialog where the user can override an existing parameter at any frame in the capture. Each entry takes effect from the specified frame onward or until redefined in this dialog on a later frame. This selection is not present if no decoder is loaded that supports this feature.
Automatically Request Missing Decoder Information  

When checked, this selection opens a dialog that asking for missing frame information. When unchecked, the analyzer decodes each frame until it cannot go further and it stops decoding. This selection is not present if no decoder is loaded that supports this feature.

Enable/Disable Audio Expert System   When enabled, the Audio Expert System is active, other wise it is not available. Only available when an Audio Expert System licensed device is connected.


The Windows menu selection applies only to the Control window and open analysis windows: Frame Display, Event Display, Message Sequence Chart, Bluetooth Timeline, Bluetooth low energy Timeline, and Coexistence View. All other windows, such as the datasource, are not affected by these selections.

Control Window Windows Menu Selections
Mode Selection Hot-Key Description
Live & Capture File Cascade Ctrl-W Arranges open analysis windows in a cascaded view with window captions visible.
Close All Views   Closes Open analysis windows.
Minimize Control Minimizes All   When checked, minimizing the Control window also minimizes all open analysis windows.
Frame Display and Event Display   When these windows are open the menu will display these selections. Clicking on the selection will bring that window to the front.


Control Window Help Menu Selections
Mode Selection Hot-Key Description
Live & Capture File Help Topics   Opens the Frontline Help window.
About Frontline Protocol Analysis System   Provides a pop-up showing the version and release information, Frontline contact information, and copyright information.
Support on the Web   Opens a browser to technical support page.