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Sodera LE Wireless Devices Pane

The Sodera LE Wireless Devices pane provides the user with information on active, inactive, and previously detected Bluetooth low energy devices within range of the Sodera LE wideband receiver. In performing analysis the user will filter the captured data by selecting which devices the Frontline software will use.

The Wireless Devices pane is a list populated by wireless devices that are:

  • active,
  • remembered from previous sessions, or
  • added by the user.

For Bluetooth low energy, the full BD_ADDR is always displayed.

Added devices are retained by the Frontline software. When devices are added and appear in the Wireless Devices pane they must be removed by the user or, in the case of a subsequent session, the devices will appear again. If not used in the current session the devices will be inactive, otherwise it will be active. Retaining past added devices allows the user to select devices prior to starting a session with the Record button.

When using a .capture file, e.g. using the Viewer, the set of devices shown will only be the devices in that capture file. Any device changes made can be saved to that file, but do not affect the “live capture” database of devices.

Sodera LE Wireless Devices Pane

Sodera LE Wireless Devices Pane


Wireless Devices Pane Columns
Column Description
Filter Selection / The filter is an on/off selection. When checked, the device is selected for data analysis. That is, the data is filtered into the Frontline protocol analyzer when the Standard Toolbar Analyze button is clicked.
Traffic Captured If the a "traffic captured" icon is present traffic has been captured that involves the device. If the icon is not present then Sodera LE has not captured any traffic that involves that device. Only wireless devices with traffic captured can be used for Frontline protocol analysis.
Favorites Favorite Not Selected/Favorite Selected When a star is activated by clicking on it, the device is designated as a "favorite". A "favorite" device will have a gold star. The "favorites" serve to identify devices key to the user's analysis. Favorite devices are always displayed regardless of their active/inactive status.
BD_ADDR The device’s Bluetooth address.
Friendly Name The device name. This field is blank if no friendly name has been observed.
Nickname Users can type in their own custom name for the device.
Device Class A general use-classification for the low energy wireless device. "Bluetooth low energy Device Classes " list the classes by Bluetooth technology.
Technology Device technology to include one of the following:
  • Smart(LE)
  • Smart Ready (LE & BR/EDR)
IRK Bluetooth low energy allows the user to determine which devices are actually the same physical device. The Identity Resolving Key allows peer devices to determine their identities when using random addresses to maintain privacy.


Bluetooth low energy Device Classes
Barcode Scanner
Barcode Scanner
Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure: Arm
Blood Pressure: Wrist
Card Reader
Cycling: Cadence Sensor
Cycling: Cycling Computer
Cycling: Power Sensor
Cycling: Speed Cadence Sensor
Cycling: Speed Sensor
Digital Pen
Digitizer Tablet
Glucose Meter
Heart Rate Sensor
Heart Rate Sensor: Heart Rate Belt
Human Interface Device (HID)
Media Player
Outdoor Sports Activity
Outdoor Sports: Location and Navigation Display
Outdoor Sports: Location and Navigation Pod
Outdoor Sports: Location Display
Outdoor Sports: Location Pod
Pulse Oximeter
Pulse Oximeter: Fingertip
Pulse Oximeter: Wrist
Remote Control
Running Walking Sensor
Running Walking Sensor : On Shoe
Running Walking Sensor: In Shoe
Running Walking Sensor: On Hip
Sports Watch
Generic Thermometer
Thermometer: Ear
Weight Scale

Sorting Wireless Devices columns

Any column in the Wireless Devices pane can be used to sort the entire table. Each column is sortable in ascending or descending order, but only one column at-a-time can be used to sort.

Clicking on the column header will initiate the sort. An arrow head will appear on the right of the column. An upward pointing arrow head indicates that the sort is in ascending order top to bottom. Clicking the column header again will toggle the sort to descending order top to bottom.

Note: Devices added after a sort will not appear in the last sort order, and are appended to the current list. The sort process must be repeated to place the new devices in sorted order.

Favorite devices will always grouped together at the top of the Wireless Devices pane in sorted order. Non-favorite devices will appear immediately below the favorite devices in sorted order.

Device Management Tools

Wireless devices management tools

At the top of the Wireless Devices pane are three tools for managing the devices in the pane. You can add and edit devices, and delete inactive devices. During Analyzing this toolbar is not available for use.


Wireless Devices Management Tools
Tool Icon Description
Add New Device, Add new device tool icon Clicking this tool will open the Edit Device Details dialog. Enter the new device’s Bluetooth address and other related data and press OK.
Edit Selected Device Edit Selected Device tool icon

Allows the user to edit Technology type, Identity Resolving Key (IRK), Device Class, and Friendly Name discovered during capture, and for entering a custom Nickname. Clicking this tool will open the Edit Device Details dialog.

This tool is inactive until a device is selected.

Hide/Show Inactive Devices Hide Inactive Devices tool icon

Hide Inactive Devices. All inactive devices are hidden. Favorite devices are always displayed without regard to their active/inactive status.

If an inactive devices are selected and the control is toggled to Hide, the selected devices are deselected.

Show Inactive Devices tool icon

Show Inactive Devices. Inactive devices are shown.

If several active devices are selected and the control is toggled to Show, any inactive device that is inserted between two currently active devices will be shown but not selected.

Remove Selected Inactive Devices, Delete Device tool icon

This tool is grayed-out until an inactive device is selected. Once a device is selected by clicking anywhere in the device row, you can delete the device by clicking on this tool. When this tool is clicked, a warning appears asking for confirmation of the action.

delete device warning dialog

If a device is marked as a Favorite, it will not be deleted even if it is inactive.

If Hide Inactive Devices is active, this tool is grayed out and is not active.


Edit Device Details

Edit Device Detail Dialog

Edit Device Details Dialog

When a device is selected in the window and the Edit Device Details tool Edit Device Detials tool icon is selected, a dialog opens showing all the editable fields. Double clicking on a selected field will also open the dialog. If a dialog field is grayed-out, the field is not editable.

Note: Editing of device details is not allowed during Analyzing.

The Favorite designation can be changed in this dialog in addition to directly clicking on the star in the table or by using the right-click pop-up menu.

Identity Resolving Key (IRK) Field:

  • TThis field is enabled for devices with a random resolving address or public address. These devices are either Smart (LE) or Smart Ready (LE & BR/EDR) technology. The Bluetooth Address will be enabled and checked.
  • This field is disabled for a valid IRK.
  • Entered IRK values are validated against the BD_ADDR. User entered IRK values are automatically reordered when the a secure connection is validated using the IRK. Refer to "Reorder Identity Resolving Key (IRK)" for details on reordering.
  • Entering an invalid IRK results in an error message and the field background displays red. The OK button is disabled.
  • Entering a valid IRK displays a green background and the OK button is enabled.
  • Valid IRK entries are persisted to the Sodera devices database.

Right-Click Pop-Up Menu

Wireless Devices Right-Click Pop-Up Menu

After selecting a device or devices, right-clicking the mouse will open a pop-up menu that includes functions identical to the Device Management Tools and other functions. The menu active selections will vary depending on the status of the selected devices. For example, selecting inactive devices will activate the inactive devices menu selections.


Right-Click Pop-Up Menu Selections
Selection Description
Remove Selected Inactive Devices

Deletes the selected inactive devices from the wireless devices list. Only active when inactive devices are selected. Same function as the Delete Device tool icon tool in the Device Management Tools.

If a device is marked as a Favorite, it will not be deleted even if it is inactive.

If Hide Inactive Devices is active Hide devices active, this menu selection is inactive.

Remove All Inactive Devices

Deletes all selected inactive devices from the wireless devices list. Only active when inactive device is selected.

If a device is marked as a Favorite, it will not be deleted even if it is inactive.

If Hide Inactive Devices is active Hide devices active, this menu selection is inactive.

Select All Selects all active and inactive devices in the list.
Add Selected Devices as Favorites Used to globally designate a group of selected devices as Favorites. If devices in the selection are already designated as Favorites, their designation will not change.
Remove Selected Devices as Favorites. Used to globally change the Favorite designation for a group of selected devices. If devices in the selection are already not designated as Favorites, their designation will not change.
Add New device

Clicking this tool will open the Edit Device Details dialog. Enter the new device’s Bluetooth address and other related data and press OK.

Same function as the Add new device tool icon tool in the Device Management Tools.

Edit Device Details

Active when a single device has been selected.

Allows the user to edit Technology type, Identity Resolving Key (IRK), Device Class, and Friendly Name discovered during capture, and for entering a custom Nickname. and Clicking this tool will open the Edit Device Details dialog.

Same function as the Edit Selected Device tool icon tool in the Device Management Tools.


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