Sodera Logic Event Capture and Analysis
Logic signal analysis is accomplished by capturing the logic signal using the Sodera HCI Pods. Captured logic event changes are mapped to packets that are recorded to the Frontline software. To record the logic events the Sodera unit must be configured to send those events to the Frontline software.
The captured logic events can be saved as a capture file. Analysis of live or captured logic events is set by checking Analyze Logic Signals in the Options menu. Decoded logic events appear in the Frame Display.
Hardware Setup
Follow the procedures in "Logic Event Capture Configuration".
Sodera Unit Configuration
On the Options menu click on Capture Options and the Capture Options dialog will open. In the Logic Signal section check the box for the HCI Pod(s) being used to capture the logic events.
Click OK to close the dialog.
If you are going to analyze the live capture, check Analyze Logic Signals in the Options menu.
Recording the Capture
Click on the Record button. Logic events captured at the pods are placed in packets and sent to the host computer.
The captured logic events can be saved as a capture file for future analysis.
Analyzing the Recoded Events
Logic level changes are recorded into packets. Each packet contains a single logic level change. View the packets in the Frame Display. Logic frames will have their own protocol tabs in the Frame Display.