Sodera LE Menu Bar

Sodera datasource window menu bar

The Menu provides the user with the ability to save and open files and to set preferences, change the datasource window layout, and configure the data capture settings.

Menu Selections
Option Selection Description
File Open Capture File (Ctrl-O Opens a Windows Open dialog. Select the location, File name, and .cfa file to analyze. The file includes all data with all context, decryption, and work file information for both the recorded and analyzed packets.
Save (Ctrl-S) Opens a Windows Save dialog. Select a file location and name for a recorded and analyzed file. The file includes all data with all context, decryption, and work file information for both the recorded and analyzed packets.
Exit Closes Frontline software
View Toolbars
Selection Description
Capture When checked the Capture Toolbar is visible. Checked is the default.
Standard When checked the Standard Toolbar is visible. Checked is the default.
Status When checked the Status Bar is visible. Checked is the default.
Wireless Devices When checked the Wireless Devices tab is visible in the Devices pane. Selecting the tab will display the Wireless Devices.
Security When checked the Security pane is visible. Checked is the default.
Event Log When checked the Event Log pane is visible. Checked is the default.
Piconet View (Experimental)

When checked, the Piconet View is visible. Not-checked is the default.

At this time the Piconet View is experimental and in development.

Private Keys

When checked, the Private Keys pane is visible. The Private Keys pane displays user entered Private/ Public key pairs for Bluetooth low energy legacy and secure connection pairing. By default, this pane is not displayed. When it is displayed it will be docked as a tab in the same area as the Security pane.

When Debug key is not used during pairing, the datasource will look for a matching Public key in the set of Private/Public key pairs. If a match is found, the datasource will use the corresponding Private Key to compute the Diffe-Hellman Key.

Capture Record/Recording Starts and stops the capture of data. Performs the same function as the Capture Toolbar Record/Recording button.
Analyze/Analyzing Starts and stops the analysis of recorded data. Performs the same function as the Capture Toolbar Analyze/Analyzing button.
Options Capture Options... Opens the Capture Options dialog where the attached Sodera LE hardware can be configured for Bluetooth low energy tcapture mode. For additional information see "Sodera LE Capture Options Dialog".
LE Test Mode Filters... Allows filtering in or out LE Test Mode PDUs and will allow filtering in selective LE Test Mode PDUs by channel number. For additional information see "LE Test Mode Channel Selection dialog".
Analyze LE Empty Packets When checked will include Bluetooth low energy empty packets. Empty packets are normally ignored, so not-checked is the default.
Analyze Anonymous/Unknown Adv. Packets

When checked the Frontline software identifies Bluetooth low energy anonymous advertising packets. An anonymous advertising packet does not contain the AdvA field and its corresponding auxiliary packet also does not contain an AdvA field. With no address, there is nothing to select for analysis in the Wireless Devices pane. The Frontline software groups anonymous packets and this option allows the user to include or exclude those packets for analyzing.

If the Frontline system captures either the extended advertising packet or its corresponding auxiliary packet but not both and the AdvA field is not present in the captured packet, the system categorizes the packet as unknown.

The default setting is unchecked. Settings are persistent.

Help Help Topics Opens Frontline help.
About Sodera... Opens a pop-up window with version and configuration information.

View Menu

Sodera LE View Menu

The View menu offers options to display or hide panes, toolbars, and the status bar to suit the user’s preferences.


View Pop-Up Menu

Right-click Pop-up View Menu

Right-clicking in the toolbar any of the following window/panes will display a pop-up View menu that performs the same as the main View menu:

  • Sodera LE window menu and toolbars area
  • Private Keys pane toolbar area (lower half of pane header)

The order of the panes shown in the pop-up menu will vary depending on the layout of the user's Sodera LE Window.


LE Test Mode Channel Selection dialog

LE Test Mode Channel Selection dialog

In this image , three channels have detected LE Test Mode PDUs and the channels are highlighted: channel 3, 7, and 11. Channels 3 and 7 are checked, so their PDUs are filtered "in" for analysis. Channel 11 has not been checked, so its PDUs are filtered "out" from the analysis.

These channel filter selections are persistent for the current session. Another Record action in this same session can be performed and the same channel filter selection will be applied unless changed.


LE Test Mode Channel Sellection Buttons
Button Description
Select All Selects all 40 low energy channels
Clear All Deselects all 40 low energy channels
OK Active once a channels selection is made. When clicked the selected channels are saved for analysis, and the dialog closes.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving any changes.

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