You are here: Elements > Decoder Script Reference > GROUP


The GROUP statement allows you to batch a sequence of fields together into a group for hierarchical display in the Decode Pane. A typical case where this might be used is in displaying a set of bit flags, as in this example from the SMB decoder:

GROUP share_access "Share Access"


FIELD reserved_5_bits ;

FIELD share_delete (Fixed 1 Bit) PRINT_IF (FieldIs EqualTo 1) (Constant "Delete Access") "Share Access"

FIELD share_write (Fixed 1 Bit) PRINT_IF (FieldIs EqualTo 1) (Constant "Write Access") "Share Access"

FIELD share_read (Fixed 1 Bit) PRINT_IF (FieldIs EqualTo 1) (Constant "Read Access") "Share Access"

FIELD reserved_3_bytes ;


The composition of a GROUP statement is as follows:

GROUP group_name [START_BIT StartMethod] [IF [NOT] BooleanMethod SizeMethod] [REPEAT COUNT|SIZE|UNTIL Method] ["detail_tag"]





The optional START_BIT and IF clauses work exactly as for a FIELD. The following sections define these fields.