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Programming Exceptions

If you need to throw an exception (in the C++ sense) in your method, you may use either of two facilities intended for the purpose:

throw CFdFrameException("<error message>");

throw CFdFieldException("<error message>");

As the names imply, the first form aborts decoding of the entire current frame while the second merely aborts decoding of the current field. The parameter to the exception is a string explaining the cause of the exception that will be displayed in the Decode Pane.

Here is an example:


METHOD __DivideInteger__

/* Divides the current field value by an integer constant */


if (i64Param1 == 0)


throw CFdFieldException("Divide by zero error. Integer parameter is zero.");

i64FieldValue = -1;


else i64FieldValue = i64CurrentField / i64Param1;


PARAM "Constant value to divide by" int64