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Where Do Custom Methods Reside?

The standard methods provided with the protocol analyzer reside in DLLs in the directory "<installation path>\App Data\Methods". Sources are generally not included. Methods written by customers should be placed in a different directory.

When the protocol analyzer is installed it creates a number of subdirectories that begin with "My". One of these is "My Methods", and that is where custom methods belong. Your source module should be placed in a subdirectory of "My Methods" called "Source" with an extension of "MTH". Thus, if you create a set of methods for a protocol called Proto, then you might save it as file "<installation path>\My Methods\Source\Proto.MTH". You can put as many methods into one file as you wish. If you prefer, you may also put methods that are to be compiled together into separate files and then include these in your .MTH file. Our convention is to name such with an extension of .MH, but you are free to use any name. Such inclusions are specified as follows:

include ""

When your methods are compiled and linked, they get built into a DLL that is deposited in the "<installation path>\My Methods" subdirectory.