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Loose Ends

The need has arisen to construct Frame Recognizers that depend on conditions such as the state of parity bits. This is an unusual case but can easily be handled since the state of error flags, including parity for a serial connection, is available to the EACH_BYTE code in iDrf.

Many protocols include means to allow data values that match flags to appear within frames. Typically, this is achieved by the use of escape characters or byte stuffing. An escape character is a special code inserted before any sensitive data byte to indicate that it is to be treated as data and not as a control character. Byte stuffing means that sensitive codes in data are converted to a non-sensitive value (or values) and flagged by a special character. The job of stripping escape characters and de-stuffing bytes falls to a Frame Transformer. Frame Recognizers not only are not supposed to do such things but actually have no capability of removing or altering data.