You are here: Overview > Structure of a Decoder > Finished Fiticitious Protocol Decoder

Finished Fictitious Protocol Decoder

Here's the final version of the Fictitious Protocol Decoder in its full glory:

/* Decoder for FP (Fictitious Protocol) by Manuel Ryder */"FP" 0x7f000000





** Table of FP command and response codes.


TABLE tableCommands

{ 0x00 "Request Status" "Request Status"}

{ 0x01 "Set Actuator" "Set Actuator" 0 cmdSetActuator}

{ 0x02 "Read Sensor" "Read Sensor" 0 cmdReadSensor}

{ 0x80 "Status" "Status" 0 rspStatus}

{ 0x81 "Actuator Set" "Actuator Set" 0 rspActuatorSet}

{ 0x82 "Sensor Value" "Sensor Value" 0 rspSensorValue}

{ Default "???" "(unknown)" 0 Unknown}




** Find the value of the first field, but don't display it and

** don't move the pointer.


FIELD command_or_response (Fixed 1) (Hex) SUPPRESS_DETAIL NO_MOVE



** If the value of the command_or_response field is between 0x00

** and 0x022, we know it's a command. If it's between 0x80 and

** 0x82, we know it's a response. The response has an extra

** field that commands don't have, so we create a group and put

** the IF test on the group as a whole. If the test fails, the

** entire group will be skipped.


** Unknown commands will fail both tests and branch to the

** Unknown group, which decodes the first byte as an Unknown

** Command or Response.


** The IN_SUMMARY puts the result of either field in the same

** Summary pane column.



FIELD command (Fixed 1) IF (FieldIsBetween 0x00 0x02 command_or_response) (TABLE tableCommands) IN_SUMMARY "Command/Response" 120 "Command"


GROUP response_group IF (FieldIsBetween 0x80 0x82 command_or_response)


FIELD response (Fixed 1) (TABLE tableCommands) IN_SUMMARY "Command/Response" 120 "Response"

FIELD response_count (Fixed 1) (Decimal) "Data byte count" VERIFY (FieldIsBetween 1 3)



BRANCH (FromTable tableCommands command_or_response)



** Display and verify what should be the checksum.


FIELD checksum (Fixed 1) (Hex) IN_SUMMARY "C'sum" 40 "Checksum" VERIFY (FPChecksum)






** Common fields. In this section we have FIELD statements for

** fields that are used in multiple places in the decoder.


** Actuator number. This is a one-byte field. We display it in

** decimal and verify that it is valid (i.e. in the range 0 to

** 32, where 0 means "all").


FIELD actuator_number (Fixed 1) (Decimal) "Actuator Number"

VERIFY (FieldIsBetween 0 32)



** Actuator value. This is a two-byte field.


FIELD actuator_value (Fixed 2) (Decimal) "Value to set"



** Sensor number. This is a one-byte field. We display it in

** decimal and verify that it is in the range 1 to 32).


FIELD sensor_number (Fixed 1) (Decimal) "Sensor Number"

VERIFY (FieldIsBetween 1 32)



** Sensor value. This is a two-byte field.


FIELD sensor_value (Fixed 2) (Decimal) "Sensor Value"




** Decode commands.




GROUP cmdReadSensor


FIELD sensor_number ;



GROUP cmdSetActuator



** We want to display something different if the actuator

** number is 0 (meaning "All Actuators"), so we need to

** process the field first, and then use that field as a

** test for the IF statement.


FIELD actuator_id (Fixed 1) (Decimal) SUPPRESS_DETAIL NO_MOVE


FIELD all_actuators (Fixed 1) IF (FieldIs EqualTo 0 actuator_id) (Constant "All Actuators") "Actuator Number"


FIELD one_actuator (Fixed 1) IF (FieldIs NotEqualTo 0 actuator_id) (Decimal) "Actuator Number" VERIFY (FieldIsBetween 1 32)


FIELD actuator_value ;





** Decode responses.




GROUP FIELD rspStatus START_BIT (Move 5 Bits) (Fixed 3 Bits) (Hex) "Status" NO_MOVE


RESERVED (Fixed 5 Bits)

FIELD alarm_bit (Fixed 1 Bit) (Binary) "Alarm"

FIELD power_bit (Fixed 1 Bit) (Binary) "Power"

FIELD test_bit (Fixed 1 Bit) (Binary) "Test mode"



GROUP rspActuatorSet


FIELD actuator_number ;



GROUP rspSensorValue


FIELD sensor_number ;

FIELD sensor_value ;



GROUP Unknown


FIELD unknown_cmd_or_resp (Fixed 1) (Hex) IN_SUMMARY "Command/Response" 120 "Unknown Command/Response Code"

FIELD unknown_data (ToEndOfLayer 1) (StringOfHex) "Data"
