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Output Values

The purpose of most methods is to produce some output, for example a string for display in the case of a Format Method. In every such case, the output is stored into designated variables. Methods do not return values and may not transmit results through parameters.

Output variables are described in detail in the following sections covering each method type. Here is a summary:

Output Variable for Each Method Type
Method TypeOutput VariableSignificance
Booleanbool bOktrue or false
Branchint iOutputreference to branch field in a table entry

bool bFrameTransformed;

CArray<WORD,WORD> ausLowIndex;

CArray<WORD,WORD> ausHighIndex;

CArray<BYTE,BYTE> abVirtualFrame

ebsfReturn eAction

info so that the layer can be parsed.
FormatCString csOutputformatted string for display
Frame Transformer

bool bFrameTransformed;

CArray<WORD,WORD> ausLowIndex;

CArray<WORD,WORD> ausHighIndex;

CArray<BYTE,BYTE> abVirtualFrame

(see "Frame Transformers")

NextProtocol__int64 i64Outputnumeric code for protocol
NextProtocolOffsetint iOutputoffset in bytes
NextProtocolSizeint iOutputsize in bytes
PreProcessing (none)
Processing (none)
PostProcessing (none)
Retrieval__int64 i64FieldValueadjusted value
int iFieldSizesize in bits
Sizeint iOutputbit count


int iOutput

bit offset

TagCString csOutputtag name
Verifybool bOktrue or false
CString csOutputexpected result if verification fails