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Defining A Method

Finally we can now get to the heart of the matter and tell you how to create a method. Let us start with another example:


METHOD __FieldIsBetween__

/* Checks a field value to see if it falls between two other values. */


bOk = ((ai64Field[fldParam3] >= i64Param1)

&& (ai64Field[fldParam3] <= i64Param2));


PARAM "Low value" int64

PARAM "High value" int64

PARAM "Which field" field

The method starts with a keyword that states its type, BOOLEAN in this case. Then comes the keyword METHOD followed by the method's name and a comment describing what the method does. The actual C++ code of the method is delimited by the keywords CODE and ENDCODE. Finally comes the list of parameters. Each parameter is defined by a statement of the form:

PARAM "<description>" <type> [= <default value>]

<description> text that describes the parameter.

<type> is one of the parameter types listed in the table in the following section. [=<default value>] allows you to make the parameter optional by specifying the default value to use if the decoder writer doesn't include one. A good example of this is the Size method Fixed, which allows the Units parameter to be optional by specifying a default of "Bytes".

A method may have up to 15 parameters. Only input parameters are allowed.