low energy Timeline Navigating and Selecting Data
Buttons, menu items, and keystrokes can be used to go to the next or previous packet, next or previous invalid interframe spacing (IFS), next or previous error packet, and the first or last packet.
- If there is no selected
packet in the timeline, First Packet
, Next Packet
, and Last Packet
are enabled, but Previous Packet
is not.
A single packet is selected either by clicking on it, navigating to it, or selecting it in the Frame Display.
Single Segment Navigation:
- Selecting Previous Packet will select the next packet in time (moving back in time to the left) regardless of which row it is on. If the previous packet is not in the display or if a portion of the packet is visible, the display will scroll to the next packet and it will appear selected on the left of the display. The timestamp will change with the scrolling of the display.
- Selecting Next Packet will select the next packet in time (moving forward in time to the right). If the next packet is not in the display, the display will scroll to the next packet and it will appear selected on the right of the display. The timestamp will change with the scrolling of the display.
Multiple Segment Navigation:
Selecting Previous Packet will select the next packet moving back in time (to the left) on the segment and will select the previous packet regardless of which or segment it is in.
If the selected packet overlaps with the previous segment, the display will show the packet selected in both segments.
If the previous packet is not shown in the timeline display or a portion of the packet is displayed,the display will move the view port back in time and will display the selected packet in the top segment on the left edge. Each segment's timestamps will synchronously change as the view port scrolls backwards in time.
Selecting Next Packet will select the next packet moving forward in time (to the right)on the to the next packet regardless of which row or segment it is in.
If the next packet overlaps on a following segment, the display will show the packet selected in both segments.
If the next packet is not shown in the timeline display on any segment or a portion of the packet is displayed, the display will move the view port forward in time and will display the selected packet in the bottom segment on the right edge. Each segment's timestamps will synchronously change as the view port scrolls forward in time. All subsequent selected next packets will appear on the right of the bottom segment.
- Multiple packets are selected either by dragging the mouse or by holding down the shift key while navigating or clicking.
- When a single packet is selected in the timeline it is also becomes selected in the Frame Display. When multiple packets are selected in the timeline, only one of them is selected in the Frame Display.
- The keyboard left arrow key goes to the previous packet. The right arrow key goes to the next packet. The Ctrl-left arrow key goes to the previous error packet. The Ctrl-right arrow key goes to the next error packet.
- The mouse scroll wheel will scroll the timeline as long as the cursor is in the dialog.