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Bluetooth Protocol Expert System software module

Bluetooth Protocol Expert System
Bluetooth Protocol Expert System

The Bluetooth Protocol Expert System is a powerful software module addition to the core software that enhances your ability to develop and troubleshoot Bluetooth enabled devices by identifying and graphically displaying errors, protocol violations, warnings, connection status, and more! It is fully synchronized with other ComProbe software views that you already use: Frame Display, Bluetooth Timeline, Coexistence, and Message Sequence Charts, etc. Using the Bluetooth Protocol Expert System streamlines root cause analysis and simplifying troubleshooting of complex interoperability and protocol issues.

  • Software module addition to the Frontline software
  • Identifies violations, warnings, and errors in Bluetooth trace
  • Provides links to back to relevant portion of the Bluetooth specification
  • Includes “Toolbox” with:
    • A2DP Sink functionality
    • Low energy packet generator / jammer
Simplify the Spec!
Bluetooth Protocol Expert System - Simplify the Spec!
Features and Benefits
  • Develop Bluetooth enabled products faster that are more robust, more reliable, and fully interoperable
  • Real-Time Analysis Displays protocol events synced to other views as they happen
  • Included "toolbox" with A2DP Sink and low energy packet generation / jammer functionality
  • Superior Root Cause Analysis Pinpoints Bluetooth problems related issues
  • Powerful Protocol Analysis Comes fully integrated with ComProbe software, providing seamless drill-down to the protocol packet level
  • Easy to Use Simplifies troubleshooting Bluetooth issues – for both experienced and new Bluetooth developers
  • Solve Problems Fast and minimizes test cycles and time consuming guesswork for protocol related issues
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