Logic Analyzer Tools

The tools control the display of the Timeline View. Detailed information on how to use the tools is contained in "Logic Analyzer Timeline View".

Logic Analyzer Tools pane

Logic Analyzer Tools

Tools pane Selections
Icon Selection Description
Logic Analyzer Cursor Button Timing Places cursor in the timeline. A pair of cursors—left (X) and right (Y)—will display the time between them. Multiple pairs of cursors can be placed on the timeline. See "Timing Cursors & Measuring in Timeline View".
Logic Analyzer Overlay button Overlay This button toggles between enabling and disabling the overlay signals mode. The overlay signals mode allows placing of a timeline row on top of another row, which makes it easier to compare data on those rows. See "Overlay Signals Mode in Timeline View".
Logic Analyzer Zoom Box Mode button Zoom Box This button toggles between enabling and disabling the zoom box mode. The zoom box allows you to zoom in or out by dragging your mouse around an area of the Timeline View . See "Zooming in Timeline View".
Logic Anayzer Zoom In button Zoom In Clicking on these buttons will zoom the Timeline Viewin or out. The buttons will turn gray when the timeline display is zoomed to at either its maximum or minimum. See "Zooming in Timeline View".
Logic Analyzer Zoom Out button Zoom Out