You are here: Capture/Analyze > Analyzing Protocol Decodes > Logic Analyzer > Logic Analyzer Timeline View

Logic Analyzer Timeline View

Timeline View displays captured logic signals, Classic Bluetooth, and Bluetooth low energy, and HCI packets. The signals and packets are synchronized and displayed on a horizontal time axis. The amount of time displayed in the view is controlled by the Navigation Bar viewport. As the viewport expands, more of the timeline is displayed and the signals and packets will compress. Conversely, as the viewport collapses—gets smaller—less of the timeline displays and the logic signals and packets will expand.

Each signal or packet set displayed in the Timeline View appears on a single row. All logic signals, Bluetooth, and HCI UART/USB packets available in the Frame Display Unfiltered tab will appear in the Timeline View from both live capture and a capture file.

Note: Filters applied in the Frame Display do not apply to the signals/protocols displayed in theLogic Analyzer.

Each Timeline View protocol row contains the packets from a single source device selected for analysis from the Wireless Devices or Wired Devices panes. If a Bluetooth device cannot be determined, packets will be placed in an appropriate aggregate row— "BR/EDR Other" or "LE Other". Bluetooth packets have the following characteristics and information:

  • Wireless packet width indicates the in-air duration. HCI packet width is computed assuming a bus rate of 12 Mbps that is 100% utilized (utilization is always less than 100%, but exact utilization is unknowable, so this method provides a reasonable approximation).
  • Packet type.
  • Frame number.


Logic Analyzer Timeline View

Logic Analyzer Timeline View

At the top of the Timeline View is a time scale. its time range is the time span of the viewport.

Row Label

Logic Analyzer Timeline Row Label Logic Analyzer Timeline Row Label Logic Analyzer Timeline Row Label


On the left of each row is a row label. There are two label categories: (1) Sodera Wired capture (either logic, UART, or USB), and (2) Wireless. The row labels are color coded for easy identification and the color carries through in the signal/packet timeline. "Logic Analyzer Timeline Row Labels" provides details of the label format.


Logic Analyzer Timeline Row Labels
Category Type Label Source Connector
Wired Logic <HCI Pod #> = Pod 1 or Pod 2 Pod 1 or Pod 2 Digital 1
Pod 1 or Pod 2 Digital 2
UART HCI POD 1 (Host) Pod 1
HCI POD 1 (Ctlr)
HCI POD 2 (Host) Pod 2
HCI POD 2 (Ctlr)
USB HCI USB 1 (Host) USB 1
HCI USB 1 (Ctlr)
HCI USB 2 (Host) USB 2
HCI USB 2 (Ctlr)
Wireless Bluetooth If an address cannot be determined an aggregate label is used. For example, "BR/EDR Other" or "LE Other" Antenna


In the Timeline appears a representation of the captured logic signal or HCI UART/USB and Bluetooth packets. Synchronization of these timelines provides for a means of accurate timing analysis. The viewport and the zoom tools controls the amount of signals and packets displayed in the Timeline View. The larger the viewport—zooming out—the more of the captured range that is displayed, and the smaller the signals and packets will appear. As the resolution decreases, logic signals will become smaller and smaller until they become a gray‑hash bar.

Decreasing the viewport size by zooming in will decrease the time duration covered by the timeline, and the signals will appear with greater resolution. Should a logic signal or signal be not differentiable from adjacent signals or packets they are displayed as a hash-bar. This ensures that all signals and packets are visible when the timeline displays the complete capture session. "Example: Timeline View Hash-Bar at Low Resolution" and "Example: Timeline View at Higher Resolution, Zoomed In to same area." show examples of the same display in hash-bars and zoomed in to show the actual logic signals and packets in the same time frame.

Logic Analyzer Timeline Gray-Hash view example

Example: Timeline View Hash-Bar at Low Resolution

Logic Analyzer Timeline Gray-Hash view example

Example: Timeline View at Higher Resolution, Zoomed In to same area.

Repositioning the Timeline

The Navigation Bar viewport can be used to reposition the timeline, however this is best used for large changes to the view. For small changes to the view port, disable the Tools Zoom Box and click the mouse pointer anywhere in the timeline view. The cursor will change to a grabbing hand, Grab Hand Cursor. While holding the mouse left key down, move the timeline view.

At the top of the Timeline View is a time scale. The visible time range of the Timeline View corresponds to the time covered by the viewport.

When moving the cursor over the Timeline, a gray box appears just above the time scale. The time shown in this box is the time corresponding to the cursor position within the timeline.

To the right of the timeline is vertical scroll bar that is useful when displaying a large number of devices.


Keyboard and Mouse Controls

Timeline View Keyboard Controls
Keys Action
Left/Right Arrow Moves timeline left/right. Equivalent to moving the viewport.
Up/Down Arrow Scrolls timeline rows up/down. Equivalent to using the Timeline View scroll bar.
Up/Down Arrow + Ctrl Zooms timeline in/out. Equivalent to using the Tools Zoom In/Out buttons, or collapsing/expanding the viewport.
Page Up/Down Pages the timeline left/right. Paging Up moves the timeline left side over to the right side, that is jumping to the left. Paging Down moves the timeline right side over to the left side, that is jumping to the right.
Ctrl + Home Moves the timeline and viewport to the beginning of the capture.
Ctrl + End Moves the timeline and viewport to the end of the capture.


Timeline View Mouse Controls
Keys Action
Double Left Click Sets a wide cursor at the timeline point where clicked and then centers the cursor and in the timeline view. The viewport size does not change.
Scroll Wheel Moves rows up and down.Equivalent to using the Timeline View scroll bar.
Scroll Wheel + Ctrl Zooms timeline in/out. Equivalent to using the Tools Zoom In/Out buttons, or collapsing/expanding the viewport.
Scroll Wheel + Shift Moves timeline left/right. Equivalent to moving the viewport.