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Bluetooth & HCI Signals in Timeline View

A protocol row in the Timeline View shows the packets associated with a single source device. The devices appearing in the row labels were selected for analysis in the Sodera Wireless Devices and Wired Devices panes. The packets for each device appear as color-coded rectangles on the timeline.

Timeline Packet Color Codes
Category Color Description
Bluetooth Blue Classic Bluetooth
Green Bluetooth low energy
Error Red Surrounding dashed line. Status errors, e.g. CRC or link errors.
Selected Yellow Surrounding dashed line. Selected packet. Can result from selection in Frame Display or one of the Timeline views.

Packet information appearing on the rectangle is

  • Packet type - Above the packet rectangle top border. HCI will show packet type and, for HCI ALC and SCO data, the source.
  • Frame number - In the rectangle center.
  • Frame selection - If a dashed yellow line appears surrounding the packet, that packet has been selected in either the Frame Display, Coexistence View, Bluetooth Timeline, or Bluetooth Low Energy Timeline.

The length of the rectangle represents the Bluetooth packet in-the-air duration or the HCI packet duration.

Logic Analyzer Protocol Row

Example: Timeline View Protocol Rows