Statistics Window

The Statistics window supplies basic information about the data on the network. When reviewing a capture file, the Statistics window shows a summary of the data in the file.

802.11 Statistics Window

802.11 Statistics Window

To open the Statistics window, click the Statistics icon on the Control window toolbar, or choose Statistics from the View menu on the Control window.

The analyzer monitors the network and collects statistics all the time, even when data is not actively being captured. Activate the Lock icon to stop the window from updating. Click the Unlock icon again to resume updating.  The analyzer continues to monitor network traffic while the Statistics window is locked, so you may see the numbers jump right after updating has resumed, reflecting all the statistics that were gathered while the window was locked.

Statistics Window Menus

802.11 Statistics Window Menus
Menu Selection Description
Edit Copy All To Clipboard Copies all statistics to the Windows clipboard.
Notes Opes the notes dialog for recording comments on a capture file. Only available when view a capture file.
Copy Chars/Sec To Clipboard Copies the character rate statistics to the Windows clipboard.
Copy Data To Clipboard Copies data statistics to the Windows clipboard.
Copy Errors To Clipboard Copies only the FSC error statistics to the Windows clipboard.
Copy Buffer To Clipboard Copies only the data currently in the buffer to the Windows Clipboard.
Copy Frames/Sec To Clipboard Copies the frame rate statistics to the Windows clipboard
View Control Window When checked will open the window or Statistics Window bar. When not checked, the window or bar is closed.
Event Display
Frame Display
Status Bar
Toggle Display Lock When checked, the displayed statistics will stop updating, although data is still being captured. Unchecking will resume statistics updating.
Reset Available during live capture. Resets all displayed statistics and restarts the calculations.
Graph Graph Errors... Opens the Errors 802.11 window.
Options I/O Settings... Performs the same function as the control Window Options Menu, I/O Settings
Set Timestamping Format Opens the Timestamping Options window that allows for changing the resolution of the timestamps.
Change the Font Size Opens a pop-up with font size selections.
Window Close Window Closes the Statistics Window
ComProbe Protocol Analysis System Clicking on these selections will change the focus from the Statistics Window to the selected window.
Help Help Topics Opens the ComProbe Help window.
  About ComProbe Protocol Analysis System Provides a pop-up showing the version and release information, Frontline contact information, and copyright information.
  Support on the Web Opens a browser to technical support page.


Statistics Window Toolbar

Statistics Window Toolbar Icons
Icon Description
Control Window icon Changes the focus to the Control Window
Reset Statistics tables icon Reset the statistics tables

Freeze Display controls

Display Lock/Unlock
Timestamp format icon Timestamp Format

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