Connecting for HCI/WCI-2 & Logic Capture

To capture UART data at the Bluetooth Host Controller processor interface using a wired connection:

Note: SPI and SDIO capture is currently not available.

  • Connect an HCI Pod to the bottom of the Sodera unit in POD 1 or POD 2.

    HCI Pods installed on Sodera

    HCI Pods Installed on Sodera

  • Attach the HCI Flying Lead assembly to the end of the HCI Pod. The connector is keyed to ensure proper installation.

    HCI Pod with Flying Lead Assembly

    Installing the Flying Lead Assembly on the HCI Pod

  • Attach an appropriate Flying Lead Assembly micro-clip to the Bluetooth HCI signal test point in accordance with the following table.
Sodera HCI Interface Pins
Transport Layer Pin Wire Color
CLK   CLK 1 Yellow
MOSI RX DATA 0 3 White
CSB CTS DATA 1 4 White
  RTS DATA 2 5 White
    DATA 3 6 White
    DIG 1 8 Green
    DIG 2 9 Green
  GND GND 10 Black
  GND GND 11 Black
  • To remove the Flying Lead Assembly from the HCI Pod, depress the release key on the Flying Lead Assembly.

    Flying Lead Assembly  Release

    Flying Lead Assembly Header Release

UART Capture Configuration

Successful HCI UART capture requires the following Pod connections.

Required UART Layer Connections
Signal Name Pin Wire Color Comment
TX 2 White Connect to the Device Under Test (DUT) TX pin.
RX 3 White Connect to the DUT RX pin.
VIO LVL 7 Red I/O voltage reference that designates the threshold for a logic level "1".. The VIO LVL minimum voltage is 1.65 Vdc. The supplied voltage needs to be the DUT logic signal level that designates a logic level "1". Some DUTs will have a VIO signal/tap. If a VIO tap is not available, use the DUT rail/power supply (Vcc/Vdd). If an I/O reference tap is a available, use that as the VIO LVL source.
GND 10 Black Either one of these pins can be used to connect the DUT ground to the HCI pod.
GND 11 Black

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