Firmware Update

To take full advantage of the improvements to the ComProbe 802.11 with ComProbe Protocol Analysis System you must update the firmware on the ComProbe.

Note: With the release of ComProbe Protocol Analysis System (CPAS) version 15.11.8698.9035 in December 2015, an update to the firmware is required upon installation of the software. For that version, the full update requires three complete passes through the update process followed by a power cycle of the ComProbe 802.11. Subsequent firmware updates may not require three firmware update cycles. This procedure is designed to take you through one to three firmware update cycles. Follow the procedure carefully, paying attention to jumps around unnecessary steps, and you should have no difficulty updating the firmware.

  1. This tab displays the current firmware version in the hardware. You can check for the firmware updates by first noting the current version and then clicking on the Check For Updates button.

Wi-Fi I/O Settings Firmware Update

802.11 I/O Settings Firmware Update Tab

  1. The Check for Updates dialog will open. If an update is available you can install it by clicking on the Start Update button.

802.11 I/O Settings Firmware Check For Updates

  1. When the update is complete, two situations can occur.
    1. If more firmware updates are required the following dialog will appear. Click on OK, and continue to step 4.

      802.11 I/O Settings Check for Updates Again, second cycle.

    2. If there are no more firmware updates, continue to step 15.
  2. Click OK on the Check for Updates dialog.
  3. Click Cancel on the I/O Settings dialog Settings tab (See "Settings"). The ComProbe 802.11 will reset. Wait for a solid Activity LED on the ComProbe hardware .
  4. Once the ComProbe 802.11 has reset, select I/O Settings from the Control Window Options menu.
  5. Click on the I/O Settings dialog Firmware Update tab and then click on the Check for Updates button. The Check for Updates dialog will appear.

802.11 I/O Settings Firmware Check For Updates, second cycle.

  1. Click the Start Update button.
  2. Again, when the update is complete, two situations can occur.
    1. If there are more firmware updates the following dialog will be displayed. Click on OK and continue to step 10.

      802.11 I/O Settings Check for Updates Again, third cycle.

    2. If there are no more firmware updates, continue to step 15.
  3. Click OK on the Check for Updates dialog.
  4. Click Cancel on the I/O Settings dialog Settings tab (See "Settings"). The ComProbe 802.11 will reset. Wait for a solid Activity LED on the ComProbe hardware .
  5. Once the ComProbe 802.11 has reset, select I/O Settings from the Control Window Options menu.
  6. Click on the I/O Settings dialog Firmware Update tab and then click on the Check for Updates button. The Check for Updates dialog will appear again.

802.11 I/O Settings Firmware Check For Updates, third cycle.

  1. Click the Start Update button.
  2. When the update is complete the OK button will be enabled. Click the OK button.
  3. When the I/O Settings dialog appears, click the OK button. The ComProbe 802.11 will reset. Reset is complete when the ComProbe 802.11 unit serial number appears in the Control Window Configuration Information.

ComProbe 802.11 Unit Reset Complete Indication

  1. Remove power from the ComProbe 802.11 unit, and then reapply power. Wait until the Activity LED comes back on and resume normal ComProbe operation. When the ComProbe 802.11 serial number shows in the Control Window again, the firmware update is complete.

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