Writing Automation Script

Automation scripting is done by persons with knowledge of TCP socket communications. The process automation is achieved by writing a client application which talks over a TCP network socket connection with the ComProbe Automation Server.

Delivered in your ComProbe installation package is a sample script SampleClient.tcl. This script is located in your installation directory. This is typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Frontline Test System II\Frontline ComProbe Protocol Analysis System [your version]\Development Tools\. On 32-bit Windows or Windows XP the root installation folder is "C:\Program Files\".

The sample script is written in TCL (Tool Command Language). TCL is an open-source, cross-platform programming language. More information is available at www.tcl.tk. The script can be translated to any general purpose programming language such as C# as long as you retain the program structure.

The sample script is divided into the following sections identified by comments "#".

  1. Procedures
  2. Command Wrappers
  3. FTE_Base namespace vars
  4. Start of Sample Script

Do not change any script in Procedures and Command Wrappers.

FTE_Base namespace vars Modifications

In the "FTE_Base namespace vars" section you will need to identify the connections for the host and the port. Near the top of this section locate the following code at or near line number 747 - 748.

set Connections(Host);

set Connections(Port) 22901;

For the Host, change to the IP address of the computer running Automation Server. For example

For the Port number, the default is set to 22901, which is not a common TCP port. It is unlikely that another application is using this port, so you can leave the Port set to default 22901.

Note: Before launching the Automation Server, the IP address and IP port—the same as the script Host and Port values—must be modified in the XML configuration file FTSAutoServer.exe.config. This file is located in C:\Program Files\Frontline Test System II\Frontline ComProbe Protocol Analysis System [your version]\Executable\Core\ directory. The code to modify is <add key="IPAddr" value=""/> and <add key="Port" value="22901"/>

Start of Sample Script Modifications

This section is the main part of the program and several lines in the template need to be changed to support your unique data capture environment. First at or around line 792 we need to input the Host IP address again. Locate the following code and enter your Host IP address. FTEBaseInit is a procedure that sets up the TCP connection.


At or around line 803 change "13.1.830.1052" in the following code to the version of your ComProbe software. The version number can be found listed with your Frontline installation directory at C:\Program Files (x86)\Frontline Test System II\. CPASVersion is a varible used in the program to locate your installed version of the ComProbe software.

set CPASVersion "C:\\Program Files\\Frontline Test System II\\Frontline ComProbe Protocol Analysis System 13.1.830.1052\\Executables\\Core"

Lastly, you need to identify the "personality" of the ComProbe hardware. On or about line 823 you will change the following code to replace the text within the quotes with the personality key that matches your sniffing hardware configuration. Within the sample script are a few examples of commonly used personalities or "profiles". The Programmers Guide provides a complete list of personalities.

set Profile "BPA600_Coex"

This code is the personality for using a ComProbe BPA 600 for Classic Bluetooth and a ComProbe 802.11 for Wi‑Fi with the software operating in Coexistence View. If you wanted to use just the ComProbe BPA 600 for captureing Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth low energy then you would change the value in quotes to "BPA600".

Having made these changes to the sample script template you are ready to capture data using your client‑server configuration, TCP connection, and capture hardware. At this point you shouild save the sample script as your own template. As long as you maintain this test setup you will not need to change these settings making your unique template reusable. However you may want to build a library of templates to cover a variety of automation configurations. Once your unique template is coded you will find that development time for variations to the template is insignificant.

In the next section we will step through the remainder of the sample script program to show how the Automation Server converts the sniffing process to a largely self -acting process.
