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Bluetooth low energy Decryption Status

Occasionally you may have a packet with an event status of “received without errors,” but a decryption status of “unable to decrypt.” There are three main causes for this, and in order of likelihood they are:

  1. Wrong Long-Term Key – having the wrong long-term key will cause this error, so the first thing to check is that your long term key is entered correctly in the datasource settings.

  2. Dropped Packets – Too much interference with a ComProbe device will cause dropped packets and may cause this error. As a rule of thumb, it is always a good idea to ensure the ComProbe device is positioned away from sources of interference, and is placed in between the two devices being sniffed.

  3. Faulty Device – although the chances of this are low, it is possible that a device is not encrypting packets properly. This is likely to happen only if you are a firmware developer working on encryption.