RFCOMM Missing Decode Information

ComProbe software usually determines the protocol carried in an RFCOMM payload by monitoring previous traffic. However, when this fails to occur, the Missing Decoding Information Detected dialog appears and requests that the user supply the missing information.

The following are the most common among the many possible reasons for a failure to determine the traversal:

  • The capture session started after transmission of the vital information
  • The analyzer incorrectly received a frame with the traversal information
  • The communication monitored takes place between two players with implicit information not included in the transmission

In any case, either view the RFCOMM payload of this frame (and other frames with the same channel) as hex data, or assist the analyzer by selecting a protocol using this dialog.

Note that you may use the rest of the analyzer without addressing this dialog. Additional information gathered during the capture session may help you decide how to respond to the request for decoding information.

If you are not sure of the payload carried by the subject frame, look at the raw data shown under data in the Decode pane in the Frame Display. You may notice something that hints as to the profile in use.

In addition, look at some of the frames following the one in question. The data may not be recognizable to the analyzer at the current point due to connection setup, but might be discovered later on in the capture.